Donations have been made in honor of:

Memorial Donations may be sent to:
North Georgia Christian Family Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 6506
Elberton, Georgia 30635
Cards are sent to the family of the honoree notifying them of each gift.
Text Box: William and Joyce Davis
Ralph and Cleo Denney
Fred and Mary Dover
Carol Eichelberger
Harmon and Vernie Frazier
Jack and Virgie Goree
James and Michelle Griffith
Don and Vonnie Holliday
William and Sarah Hudson
Diane Johnson
Bill and Dee Lee
Marvin and Margaret Linton
Steve and Pat McElroy
Wayne and Cathy Mitchell
John and Patrice Monger
Bill and Tweet Moore
Don and Anne Moore
Edelyn and Carrie Moore
Rosemary Morris
Harold and Ruhanna Neal
Glenn Ann O'Neal
Barbara and Herb Sims
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Myrtice Neal:
Paul and Frances Ammons
Bill and Barbara Cabaniss
Don and Vonnie Holliday
Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 268
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Simmie Norman:
Anne Clements
James and Michelle Griffith
Don and Vonnie Holliday

In memory of Joseph Noval:
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Women of the E.L.C.A.

In memory of David Ogunsola:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Andy Ott:
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Bill Payne:
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Russ Penner:
Constance Bray
Fred and Mary Dover
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Carl Pschier:
Don and Norma Canerday

In memory of Raymond Scoggins:
Constance Bray
Ralph and Cleo Denney
Fred and Mary Dover
Carol Eichelberger
James and Michelle Griffith
Don and Vonnie Holliday
Diane Johnson
Bill and Dee Lee
Steven and Patricia McElroy
John and Patrice Monger
Don and Anne Moore
Rosemary Morris
Barbara and Herb Sims
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Joan Linda Sharpe:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Fred Shields:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Emma Sims:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Juanita Sims:
Dolly Moore

In memory of Ken Sledge:
James and Michelle Griffith

In memory of William Thomas, Sr.:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Lillie Thompson:
Joyce Christian Kelley

In memory of Brad Torpy:
James and Michelle Griffith

In memory of Jack and Christine Walker:
Constance Bray

In memory of Ray Watson:
Paul and Frances Ammons
Fred and Mary Dover

In memory of Clinton Weaver:
Don and Norma Canerday

In memory of Anna Rose York:
Joyce and William Kelley
Text Box: Mothers Day Honor - Mildred Canerday:
Don and Norma Canerday

In Honor of Sammye Baggott:
Cobb County Water Department


In Honor of James Griffith’s 50th Birthday:
Don and Norma Canerday


In memory of Darlene Cannady Amy:
Steven Amy

In memory of Kathy Baggott:
Burt and Sammye Baggott
Redell Baggott
Eddie and Bonnie Garner

In memory of J.D. Barnett:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of James R. Bettis:
Marjorie Bettis

In memory of Constance Bray:
Bill and Barbara Cabaniss
James and Michelle Griffith

In memory of Mozelle Cook:
Jerry and Judy Cofield
Fred and Mary Dover
James and Michelle Griffith
John and Ellen Hankman
Joyce Harrison
Cpl. Sidney Lanier
Snellville Church of Christ

In memory of Todd Countess:
Martha Williams

In memory of Dora Davis:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Herschel Doster:
Don and Norma Canerday

In memory of Howard Ellis:
James and Michelle Griffith

In memory of Frances Fowler:
Don and Norma Canerday

In memory of Gary Garrison:
Connie Bray
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Mike Hester:
Don and Norma Canerday
Central Oconee Church of Christ

In memory of Swanee Ivie:
Kert and Mary Ivie

In memory of David Keister:
Don and Norma Canerday

In memory of Ed Kelley:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Pearl Little:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Marvin Linton:
James and Michelle Griffith

In memory of Terrell Luke:
Don and Norma Canerday

In memory of Ralph Main:
Don and Vonnie Holliday

In memory of Ruth Mayfield:
Burt and Sammye Baggott

In memory of Rossi Meadows:
James and Michelle Griffith

In memory of Bill Moore:
Bill and Barbara Cabaniss
Don and Norma Canerday
Constance Bray
Bill and Dee Lee
Dolly Moore
John and Patrice Monger
Jean Sweetser

In memory of Jim Moore:
Paul and Frances Ammons
Constance Bray
Bill and Barbara Cabaniss
Campus View Ladies Bible Class
Don and Norma Canerday
Anne Clements
Rickie and Ann Cook

North Georgia Christian Family Services, inc.